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1 in 4 people struggle with password overload. It doesn’t have to be you!

Olly Denhard
Olly Denhard
Founder, IT Trouble Free

Are you tired of managing multiple passwords? 

You’re not alone. Around 1 in 4 people feel the same, and it’s not just the number of passwords causing headaches; it’s the security risks they pose. 

Let’s face it: most people aren’t cyber security experts. So, when it comes to setting passwords, human error is everywhere–from weak passwords to reusing them across multiple accounts. 

On average, people use the same password for five different accounts, and common passwords like ‘123456’ are used on a staggering 23 million breached accounts. 

Cyber criminals are already pros at cracking passwords, and our habits are like an open invitation to wreak havoc. The stats are staggering, with a projected £347 billion loss to online payment fraud globally between 2024 and 2027, with 90% of data leaks attributed to stolen login details. 

So, what’s the solution?

Password managers. These essential software tools take the hassle out of password management by generating and storing complex, unique passwords for each account, providing robust security. The best part? Password managers enhance security and streamline your digital life with one-click logins and autofill features. A password manager makes your life easier and business safer at the same time.